Wednesday, September 14, 2005

New Telesto Image: Squinting at Telesto

CICLOPS has released this processed view of Telesto, taken on August 1 from a distance of 768,000 km. From that distance, the 24-km wide Telesto appears as nothing more than a blog of light with no discernable features or shape. Believe it or not, this qualifies it as one of the best images of Telesto thus far (Voyager's best image was ~ 5km/pixel) But, fear not, better images of Telesto are coming. Cassini comes within 9800 km of this small, trojan satellite on October 11, 2005. This will be one of the closest flybys of a small satellite during the tour. At closest approaches, images with a resolution of 56 m/pixel are possible (~425 pixels across Telesto's disk).