Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Planetary Society Article on Titan Imaging Correlation

The Planetary Society website has a new article by Emily Lakdawalla comparing the RADAR SAR swath from T3, the ISS observations from T4 and T5, and the VIMS observation of the 80-km crater from T5. A very good read and a recommendation from me (even includes a reminder for something I need to get done tomorrow, the part about the features needing names). The author looks at the 80-km crater, combining all three data sets. By combining all three data sets, a more complete understanding on the geology of this crater can be achieved. The other comparison is of the two "bays" seen along the northern margin of the "H" feature. These two "bays" show that areas of "cat scratches" are dark in ISS images. However, the ISS dark regions are usually slightly larger, suggesting that RADAR maybe seeing through the substrate between the dunes while ISS sees the substrate and the dunes as the same "dark".
Also, the Planetary Society website has an article on the latest DISR mosaics released on Sunday and Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you all are trying to reconcile the differences in data from ISS, VIMS and RADAR on Titan's surface. Has Huygens provided any insight? Would you agree the bright areas in ISS images are highlands of mostly water ice while the dark areas are lowlands of hydrocarbons?

5/05/2005 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger Jason Perry said...

I think we may have to wait till RADAR gets a pass over the Huygens landing site in October. However, as you mention, the basic formula that the bright terrain consists of dirty water ice "highlands" and the the dark regions are erosional basins consisting of hydrocarbon particulates and icy debris appears to hold up.

5/05/2005 10:23:00 AM  

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